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Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Cara Mengganti Lambang Di Blog (100% Jadi)

Cara Mudah Mengganti Logo Blog Kita (favicon). Memang logo utama dari blog kita menggunakan logo asli blogger seperti dibawah ini. Logo favicon ini kau bisa lihat disebelah nama blog kita.

Namun kita bisa mengubah dengan logo yang kita sukai dan pastinya akan membuat penampilan blog kita lebih menarik dengan logo yang berbeda. Kita akan memberikan step step mengubah logo favicon kita lebih detail dilengkapi gambar.

Langkah pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah pembuatan logo favicon kita.

Masuk ke situs favicon generator Favicon Generator Disini

Kemudian masukkan gambar pada browse dan setelah selesai memasukkan gambar yang akan dijadikan logo blog, terus klik tombol create favicon (catatan : memang tak semua gambar bisa di jadikan favicon, kamu coba dengan gambar logo lainnya kalau gagal).

Saya disini akan mencoba memakai logo dari Buatan saya untuk saya jadikan logo favicon saya biar tampak keren.

Setelah kamu klik tombol Create Favicon akan muncul kotak download dan segera download favicon kamu yang hanya berukuran 1.1 KB dan berekstensi .ico

Langsung tekan klik Download the generated favicon (dibawah tulisan merah tips-mudah-ngeblog)

Setelah selesai kita tinggal masukkan logo favicon kita ke blog.

Kemudian kita masuk blog kita :

Masuk Tata Letak pada  blog kita.

Klik tombol Edit Favicon kemudian browse tan pilih favicon yang telah kita download kemudian save.

Catatan : Favicon tidak akan langsung tampil pada blog, kita tunggu beberapa hari dan favicon kita akan berubah menjadi logo kita sendiri, selamat mencoba tips mudah mengubah logo favicon (logo blog kita sendiri).

Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Cara Membuat Tulisan berjalan Di blog

Cara Membuat Tulisan Berjalan di Blog

1. Tulisan bergerak dari kanan ke kiri 
 <marquee direction="left" scrollamount="2" align="center">Contoh Tulisan Berjalan</marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

2. Tulisan bergerak dari kiri ke kanan
 <marquee direction="right" scrollamount="2" align="center"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

3. Teks bergerak bolak balik ( mondar - mandir ) dari kiri ke kanan
<marquee direction="left" scrollamount="2" align="center" behavior="alternate"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

4. Teks bergerak bolak balik ( mondar - mandir ) dari kanan ke kiri
<marquee direction="right" scrollamount="2" align="center" behavior="alternate"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

5. Teks bergerak dari atas ke bawah
 <marquee direction="down" scrollamount="2" align="center"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

6. Teks bergerak dari bawah ke atas
 <marquee direction="up" scrollamount="2" align="center"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

7. Teks bergerak mondar- mandir dari atas ke bawah
 <marquee direction="up" scrollamount="2" align="center" behavior="alternate"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

8. Teks bergerak zig - zag ( diagonal ) memantul
 <center><marquee direction="up" scrollamount="2" align="center" behavior="alternate" width="90%"><marquee direction="right" behavior="alternate"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee></marquee></center>

Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

9. Teks bergerak zig - zag ( diagonal ) tembus
 <center><marquee direction="up" scrollamount="2" align="center" behavior="alternate" width="90%"><marquee direction="right"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee></marquee></center>

Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

Cara memasang :
1. Login ke akun blog sobat
2. Klik rancangan --> Elemen laman --> Tambah gadget --> HTML/Javascript
3. Masukkan kode marquee dari salah satu tulisan berjalan diatas
4. Klik save dan lihat hasilnya.

tambahan :
  • Direction : untuk mengatur pola gerakan teks (left, right, up dan down)
  • Scrollamount : untuk mengatur kecepatan gerakan teks. Naikkan angkanya ( dari 2 menjadi 3 ) untuk mempercepat gerakan dan sebaliknya.
  • Behavior ( scroll/slide/alternate ): untuk mengatur prilaku gerakan.
  • Untuk menambahkan backgroundpaddingbordercolor, dll pada marquee, silahkan sisipkan  kode marquee antara kode berikut
<div style="background: #000000; border: 2px solid #FF0000; color: white; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 0.5em; padding: 15px;">
<marquee direction="left" scrollamount="6" align="center">Contoh Tulisan Berjalan</marquee>

hasilnya :
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

  • Untuk menyisipkan link pada marquee, gunakan kode berikut :
<div style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #FF0000; color: black; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 0.2em; padding: 15px;">
<marquee direction="left" scrollamount="6" align="center"><a href=""/>Cara Membuat Teks Berjalan di Blog</a></marquee>
catatan :
ganti tulisan yang berwana biru dengan Url yang di inginkan.
hasilnya :
  • Contoh lain penggunaan link pada marquee yaitu dengan menggunakan kode berikut :
<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="2" direction="up" width="100%" height="100" align="center">
<a href="">cara membuat permalink di blog</a><br/>
<a href="">cara membuat logo</a><br/>
<a href="">blog di blogspot dan blog di wordpress</a><br/>
catatan :
kode yang di cetak tebal adalah perintah pada teks untuk terhenti ketika di lewati pointer
Hasilnya :

Cara Menggganti Cursor Di blog

Ok, jika tertarik dengan Cara Merubah/Mengganti Cursor Blog terasa kurang lengkap jika tidak dipraktekan, nah,,, untuk tambah ilmu baru langsung saja ikuti tutorialnya dibawah ini: sampai bawah ya,,,

1. Masuk ke link (situs tersebut adalah penyedia segala macam jenis tampilan cursor blog)
2. jika sudah masuk akan tampil seperti gambar ini:

3. Setelah masuk pilih pada categoris seperti pada tanda merah gambar diatas. pilih yang sobat suka. contoh pilih categories Cursors/Pointers maka akan tampil seperti gambar dibawah ini:

4. Pilih salah satu dari pilihan tampilan cursor yang sobat suka seperti gambar diatas, maka akan tampil seperti dibawah ini:

Keterangan gambar diatas :

Pilih nomor satu terlebih dahulu blogger/blogspot kemudian muncul seperti gambar diatas. kemudian copy kode pada nomor dua tersebut kedalam notepad atau wordpad. dan ikuti langkah selanjutnya :

Cara pemasangan kedalam bog.

1. Login ke akun bogger Anda
2. Plih rancangan
3. Klik tambah gadget
5. Pilih HTML/Javascript
6. Copy/paste kode yang anda simpan di notepad tadi
7. Save.

GTA 4 Main Character

Main Characters

Proudly introducing an all-new cast of unsavoury miscreants.

Niko Bellic


Voiced by Michael Hollick."Life is complicated. I killed people. Smuggled people. Sold people. Perhaps here, things will be different."
Grand Theft Auto IV's protagonist, Niko Bellic, is an ex-soldier from Eastern Europe who moved to Liberty City to escape his past and pursue the "American Dream." Niko was persuaded to move by his cousin Roman, who claimed to be living there with beautiful women, sports cars and lots of money. It soon becomes apparent, however, that Roman lied in order to cover up his own failures in life - the truth is he runs a failing taxi business, has mounting debts, and various criminals from Liberty City's underworld have put a price on his head. Niko also has other motivations for moving to Liberty City, which are revealed as the story unfolds.


Roman BellicVoiced by Jason Zumwalt.Roman is Niko's cousin, and has lived in Liberty City for fifteen years. He is an optimist, a fantasist, and a liar, and he brought Niko to Liberty City with false promises. At the beginning of the game, Roman serves as your only friend and as your only connection in the story. He runs a failing taxi business in a converted industrial garage in Broker. If you maintain a good relationship with Roman during the game, eventually he will provide a free taxi service for Niko.
Little Jacob


Voiced by Coolie Ranx.Little Jacob is a Jamaican arms dealer from Dukes, and one of Niko's many associates. He talks with a thick heavy Jamaican accent, and will provide discounted weapons to Niko for maintaining a good friendship. Jacob becomes a trusted friend of Niko's as the story progresses.
Brucie Kibbutz


Voiced by Timothy Adams.Fitness enthusiast, car nut, and self appointed VIP. Brucie thinks very highly of himself. He is a man brimming with confidence, who isn't afraid to make himself heard. He lives a lavish lifestyle, with nothing but the finest women, cars and lifestyle accessories. If you maintain a good friendship with Brucie, eventually he will offer a free helicopter service to Niko.
Mallorie Bardas


Voiced by Elena Harvey Hurst.Mallorie Bardas is dating Roman Bellic, Niko's cousin, but their relationship together is far from perfect - mainly due to Roman's incompetence. Mallorie grew up in Bohan, and there are suspicions early in the game that she could be having an affair with another character.
Vlad Glebov


Voiced by Misha Kuznetsov.Russian-born money lender, bully, top international businessman, and patron of the bar Comrades. Vlad sees himself as an intimidating character with a lot of influence over how the town is run, but the reality is he is a low level Russian criminal who is trying to win respect amongst the bigger boys in town. Vlad works for Mikhail Faustin.
Dimitri Rascalov


Voiced by Moti Margolin.Dimitri is one of the hardcore Eastern European characters that you encounter early in the game. He is an associate of Mikhail Faustin, and goes on to become one of the key figures in the storyline. Dimitri and Faustin "are like brothers" and have known each other for a long time, but Faustin's recent drug addiction (and subsequent paranoia) has soured their friendship.
Mikhail Faustin


Voiced by Karel Roden.Mikhail Faustin is a powerful and commanding figure in Liberty City, particularly in the Hove Beach area. He runs the area with an iron fist, and doesn't like to be told what to do. In the first section of the story, Niko develops a working relationship with Faustin and his associates, Dimitri and Vlad. He stays in Beachgate with his wife Ileyna.
Patrick McReary


Voiced by Ryan Johnston.Patrick "Packie" McReary is an Irish hoodlum who is related to bent cop Francis McReary, as well as the other McReary brothers - Gerry and Derrick. The McReary family used to have a lot of power and respect in Liberty City, but recently they have fallen out of the picture and only a few of them remain. Packie lives in Dukes with his mother and his sister, Kate.
Kate McReary


Voiced by Mary Catherine Donnelly.Kate is said to be the only genuinely good member of the McReary family. You meet Kate (initially) in the second section of the storyline, after being introduced by Packie, and she eventually goes on to become Niko's girlfriend.
Francis McReary


Voiced by Thomas Lyons.Francis McReary is a corrupt police officer who has dirt on Niko's past. He knows about a felony Niko committed, and threatens to expose it unless Niko does some work for him. Francis is part of the McReary family, but his brothers - Gerry, Packie and Derrick - don't approve of his cop status and rarely keep in touch with him. He's very independent from the rest of the family.
Gerry McReary


Voiced by P.J. Sosko.Gerry is essentially the head of the McReary crime family. He calls all the shots, and is the main representative of the family. The McReary family are currently doing work for the Pegorino family in Alderney, work which involves sabotaging a rival family known as the Ancelottis.
Manny Escuela


Voiced by Berto Colon.Manny Escuela is an ex-gangster from South Bohan, who managed to transform his life and put his troubled past behind him. Now he is trying to help others do the same, and is determined to clean up the neighbourhood, the kids, and the streets of Liberty City, by leading the "St. Mary's Community Project." He is currently having a documentary made about himself, to record his struggle in the community.
Elizabeta Torres


Voiced by Charlie Parker.Elizabeta has been a successful drug dealer in Bohan for more than ten years. Her success is due mainly to the fact that she tends to keep her business low-key, while paying off or ordering the killings of the right people. A crackdown on drug dealing has increased the level of pressure on Elizabeta, as police begin to focus more on her activities. She has recently developed a drug addiction, which is making her dangerously paranoid and delusional.
Playboy X


Voiced by Postell Pringle.Playboy X is a hustler, who was introduced to Niko by Elizabeta. He owns a large penthouse suite in Algonquin, where much of his business is conducted from. He requires Niko to do several jobs for him. Playboy used to do business with a friend called Dwayne Forge, who was recently released from prison, but Playboy has since moved on without him.
Dwayne Forge


Voiced by Devin Richards.Dwayne Forge is an old friend of Playboy X who recently got out of prison. He fears that Playboy has moved on in the world and left him (and the street life) behind. Playboy seems to have very little time for him anymore, which greatly bothers Dwayne as they were once like brothers together. There is a growing tension between the pair as the story progresses.
Ray Boccino


Voiced by Joe Barbara.Ray Boccino is an Italian mobster (working for Jimmy Pegorino) who is trying to help Niko find someone. Boccino does business with the McReary family, and was introduced to Niko by Packie. In return for helping Niko find someone, Ray needs him to run some errands and help him with some mafia business. Ray only seems to care about himself.
Phil Bell


Voiced by Frank Bonsangue.Phil Bell is an Alderney businessman and mafia goon. He agrees to help Niko look for someone, but in return Niko must run some errands for the mafia. Phil is a close associate of Ray Boccino, and provides work for Niko in the third chapter of the storyline. Phil is very paranoid and therefore very cautious.
Jimmy Pegorino


Voiced by Tony Patellis.Phil Bell is so impressed with Niko's work that he recommends him to his boss, Jimmy Pegorino.

Cheat GTA IV PC (100% Jadi)

All cheats should be entered during normal gameplay. To do this, bring up Niko's cellphone, use the table to find the cheat you want, and enter it using the directional keypad. Once the cheat is entered, a 'Cheat Activated' message will appear.

Cheat Name

Cheat Code

CheatHealth & Weapons
Give Niko health and weapons.
CheatHealth & Armour
Give Niko health and armour. Blocks the achievement "Finish Him."
CheatWeapons (Advanced)
Baseball Bat, Grenades, Combat Pistol, Combat Shotgun, SMG, Carbine Rifle, Combat Sniper, RPG.
CheatWeapons (Poor)
Knife, Molotovs, Pistol, Pump Shotgun, Micro SMG, Assault Rifle, Combat Sniper, RPG.
CheatRemove Wanted Level
Remove any police wanted level. Blocks the achievement "Walked free."
CheatRaise Wanted Level
Add one star to Niko's wanted level.
CheatChange Weather
Select from eight different weather types.
CheatSpawn Annihilator
Spawn an Annihilator helicopter in front of Niko.
CheatSpawn Jetmax
Spawn a Jetmax boat in front of Niko.
CheatSpawn NRG-900
Spawn an NRG-900 bike in front of Niko.
CheatSpawn Sanchez
Spawn a Sanchez bike in front of Niko.
CheatSpawn FIB Buffalo
Spawn an FIB Buffalo in front of Niko.
CheatSpawn Comet
Spawn a Comet in front of Niko.
CheatSpawn Turismo
Spawn a Turismo in front of Niko.
CheatSpawn Cognoscenti
Spawn a Cognoscenti in front of Niko.
CheatSpawn Super GT
Spawn a Super GT in front of Niko.

Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Cheat Age Of Empires 2 (100% jadi) Bahasa Inggris

Cheat List

Press ENTER during gameplay and enter any of the following cheats.
  • 1000 food: cheese steak jimmy's
  • car: how do you turn this on
  • show map: marco
  • show all players: polo
  • build faster: aegis
  • kill player you're fighting: torpedo2
    Cheats above submitted by viper
  • birds turn into dogs: woofwoof
  • kill all enemies: blackdeath
  • commit suicide: wimpywimpywimpy
    cheats above supplied by Vorag
  • Furious the Monkey in town center: furious the monkey boy
    Submitted by - tyrrell the great
  • 1000 gold: robin hood
  • 1000 stone: rock on
  • 1000 wood: lumberjack
  • Destroy all opponents: black death
Submitted by:IGN_Cheats

More Cheat Codes

  • Control animals (but lose control of men) - "natural wonders"
  • Lose campaign - "resign"
  • Saboteur unit - "to smithereens"
  • Slay select opponent - "torpedo "
  • Useless villager - "i love the monkey head"
  • Win campaign - "i r winner"
  • Cheat Cars 2 PC 100% jadi

    Disney•Pixar Cars 2

    Cara untuk masukkan Code:
    Pergi Ke menu lalu cari extras dan cari enter code dan masukkan code dibawah ini:
    959595:unlock semua mods
    721953:infinite energy
    Ya Sudah Selamat Mencoba

    Cara menambahkan Efek Bintang Berjatuhan pada Blog (100% jadi)

    Cara Membuat Efek Bintang Bertaburan Pada Cursor Blog

    1. Login ke Blogger
    2. Klik Tata Letak Pilih Tambah Gadget
    3. Lalu tambahkan HTML/JavaScript.
    4. Masukan script di bawah ini kedalamnnya.

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    6. Sobat Simpan dan lihat hasilnya.

    Catatan :
    untuk tulisan merah pada kode diatas bisa sobat ganti dengan warna ksukaan sobat misalnya : merah bisa ganti dengan, hijau, biru, ungu, silver, kuning, hitam.

    sekian dulu sobat,,,, ga' pake lama langsung pasang dan lihat bintang yang bertaburan dalam blog. Good Luck

    Cara Menambahkan Widget Fish Di blogger Anda (100% jadi)

    1. Login ke Akun anda
    2. Klik blog anda
    3. Pilih Tata Letak
    4.Klik Tambah Gadget/Add gadget

    6. Kemudian pilih Fish

    7. Sesuaikan Lebar gadget,jumlah ikan, dan warna ikan sesuka hati anda..
    8. Klik Simpan